Andrea Wood, Broker in Hood River, Windermere

Andrea Wood


Licensed in OR


Hood River

Windermere Real Estate Columbia River Gorge, Inc.
2500 Cascade Avenue Suite 100

Hood River, OR 97031

In 1994, Andrea Wood was drawn to Hood River, recognizing that it was the perfect place to put down her roots and start a family. Andrea enjoys gardening, landscaping, interior decorating, home improvements and spending time out on the Columbia River with her husband and children.

Andrea Wood has nearly 11 years of experience in Apartment Management, managing 82 housing units. This is how she discovered her love of helping others find housing, which evolved into a desire to work in Real Estate. She started her career at Windermere Glenn Taylor Real Estate in 2006.

Hardworking, dedicated and caring, Andrea will provide buyers and sellers with unsurpassed service. She is only a phone call away!